September 15, 2024
Buy Facebook Reviews Is It Legal

What do you think of buying Facebook reviews?

Can you buy Facebook reviews?

Yes, ordering Facebook reviews from GooRapid carries no risk at all. We focus our marketing efforts on relevant, engaged individuals who are most likely to leave a positive review on your Facebook page, which explains why this is the case.

Can you purchase negative Facebook page reviews?

You can tell us what you want to see on our dashboard after you’ve paid, of course. To purchase favorable Facebook reviews, give them a rating of five stars. To purchase negative Facebook reviews, give them one or two stars.

Continue reading if you want more information about how to buy facebook reviews.

Buy Facebook Reviews: Are They Allowed?

No, it’s not legal to purchase Facebook reviews. Posting a false review of any good or service is prohibited by law, according to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). This includes posting positive reviews about your own company or writing reviews in exchange for payment. You risk receiving harsh punishments if you are discovered doing this.

How Do Buy Facebook Reviews Work?

There are several ways for companies to purchase Facebook reviews. The three types of product reviews that are most popular are as follows:

  1. To get a favorable review of your company, pay someone. This might be a former client, a friend, or an online stranger.
  2. You can also use services that provide “review swaps,” in which you consent to leave a favorable review of one company in return for them doing the same for you.
  3. Some businesses offer the service of posting phony reviews about your business. Hundreds of businesses selling Facebook reviews can be found by performing a quick Google search.
  4. On social media, bots that leave five-star reviews while impersonating real users are active.

Can You Buy Facebook Recommendations Or Reviews?

Yes, but just because you can doesn’t mean you should. In case you reside in the U.S. or the UK, this is against the law and you risk facing severe repercussions like tens of thousands of dollars in fines from the United States.’s Competition and Markets Authority of the United Kingdom is the Federal Trade Commission.

Facebook has the ability to “jail” your company’s page, turning off any number of features they choose, a practice known as “Facebook Jail.” You run the risk of getting banned from Facebook and losing your company’s page entirely if you purchase Facebook reviews.

Furthermore, when you purchase Facebook reviews, the experience that customers have with your company is actually devalued. This is due to the fact that the online reviews do not accurately represent you, your team, or your goods. Because they are made up, they may cause clients to have inflated expectations, which, ironically, leads to clients who leave bad reviews.

Where To Buy Facebook Reviews?

There are numerous websites like and where you can purchase Facebook reviews. Additionally, you might be able to locate independent contractors to purchase reviews from on websites like Upwork or Fiverr. Easy-peasy, right?

There is, however, a caveat. Since the majority of those who sell Facebook reviews are based in China or India, the content is frequently spoken by a non-native speaker and is therefore unclear. Simply by reading the headlines and other content on, you’ll notice that the wording sounds strange:

The issue is that it makes Facebook and customers suspicious that you have purchased those reviews when you suddenly receive hundreds of positive testimonials using artificial language. As a result, customers stop trusting your company, which causes you to lose business.

Reasons For You Shouldn’t Buy Facebook Reviews

No matter how much you want it to be true, a Facebook review you buy is not authentic. Customers will essentially disregard it because it was left by someone who has never been to your establishment. It won’t give them a true sense of what it’s like to use your product or service, either. It might also involve providing false information that makes real customers unhappy. In the long run, it will be a very poor business decision, despite the fact that you might have more Facebook reviews on your page.

Fake Facebook reviews are typically very simple to identify. They are overly flattering and kind. Having fake reviews will be very bad for your brand, especially once people find out. It indicates that clients cannot trust you or your company. For local business owners, reputation and word of mouth are everything. Is it really worth it to make sacrifices in exchange for a few five-star reviews? Even if your clients are unaware that you fabricated reviews, Facebook is likely to.

Crack Down On Fake Facebook Reviews

For more than ten years, fake reviews have been a problem on social media. A few of the tech companies thrust into the public eye by fake reviews include Yelp, Amazon, and Facebook. They’re also taking every precaution to safeguard their company’s reputation, just like you are. Nobody wants their website to be known as a spam-friendly one. Users should be able to trust the reviews that are already posted. Otherwise, companies and customers will leave in large numbers. With regard to fake reviews and the businesses that buy them, TripAdvisor has recently adopted a tough stance.

An important fraud ruling that Italy recently made is described in a recent The Guardian article. For selling phony reviews to Italian hospitality companies, a man received a nine-month prison sentence. Although this was the first instance of someone receiving jail time for purchasing false reviews, it won’t be the last. The decision gives other social networks the opportunity to take legal action against anyone abusing the trust of their online community.

Facebook is taking action against more than just fake news. As a result of abusing the platform, numerous users have been imprisoned in “Facebook jail.” For completely breaking the social network’s rules, some pages have even been completely banned. Consider the effects if your company’s Facebook Page was completely deleted from existence. The good news is that being genuine is actually better for your company and that getting Facebook reviews is simpler than you might think.

Real Facebook Reviews Are Better

As is clear from the above, it is not a good idea to purchase Facebook reviews for your Facebook Business Page or for any other business-related purpose as it could seriously harm your brand.

For a variety of reasons, getting real Facebook reviews from actual clients will be much better for your business in the long run. Real reviews are going to be just as simple to identify as fake reviews if you have any. They will offer a genuine glimpse into what it’s like to work with your company or product to your prospective customers and clients. They will be in a better position to decide whether they want to work with you in the end thanks to this information.

Furthermore, you’ll discover that getting genuine reviews is simpler than you might have imagined. The reviews will come as long as you offer a high-quality good or service and make an effort to look after your clients well. There will be a majority of positive reviews, but there will also be some critical ones. Even unfavorable reviews ought to be kept, provided that they are accurate and you reply to them. It gives your company a higher level of authenticity.

See also: Buy Spurtle Review

Can Facebook Identify Fabricated Reviews?

Facebook has only recently started to take action against fake reviews, most notably by locking down business pages in “Facebook Jail.” Facebook penalizes accounts that violate its policies as follows: they deactivate some or all features for these users, meaning you can either be blocked for a few hours, a few days, or for good because of fraudulent review activity.

Facebook has even started suing businesses that buy or sell likes or followers. It won’t be long before they start acting similarly toward fake reviews.

Buy Facebook Reviews Is It Legal
Buy Facebook Reviews: Is It Legal

Ways To Get Real Facebook Reviews

Here are some of the top methods for obtaining genuine customer reviews on Facebook.

Engage With Reviews

Make sure to give prompt, courteous responses to both positive and negative reviews. Customers should feel appreciated and that you are ready to address any issues they may have. The number of reviews can be increased while establishing credibility and cultivating customer relationships by responding to negative reviews.

Use Social Media Marketing

Customers are targeted through Facebook marketing and other social media advertisements based on their interests.

Facebook recommendations, for instance, will display your business to users looking to purchase cosmetics if you run a cosmetics business.

An efficient way to find new customers and boost sales is through social media marketing. Over time, more customers will result in more reviews.

Provide High-quality Products & Services

You should strive to offer a fantastic product or service that people will love and want to talk about. The fastest way to increase the number of favorable Facebook reviews that over time draw in new clients is to do this.

Encourage Customers

Do not be embarrassed to request that clients leave reviews on your Facebook company page. Send them an email or SMS as soon as possible after they’ve purchased a product or service from you, while the memory of it is still fresh.

FAQs About Buying Facebook Reviews

Are There Any Future Rating Declines?

Since all reviews are from genuine, active Facebook users, they won’t disappear.

Is It Secure To Purchase Facebook Page Recommendations?

Yes, you can legally invite people to leave reviews on your page by sending them emails or using other communication methods. Therefore, there is no need to be concerned because every single one of our reviews is based on real, authentic profiles.

What Is The Custom Review Mentioned Earlier?

If you purchase the “Custom review package,” you can send us the review text you want to appear on your page. You can also select a particular nation, like the US, UK, etc.

What Are The Advantages Of Purchasing?

You must receive the most engagement on your page in order to increase its popularity. The reason why not all businesses receive 5 stars is that none of them are so flawless they could. Normally, we advise keeping the stars variable.

Why Online Reviews Are Important For Businesses?

More customers today check the reviews before making a decision on whether to continue using the service. You must therefore turn the page in order to take the majority of the market.

Final Words

The article’s main topic was buying Facebook reviews.

Reviews on Facebook are ratings and remarks that clients post on your Facebook Business Page. They can influence a customer’s decision to do business with you because they are available to everyone who visits your page.

You should use Facebook’s business features as a business owner. A healthy number of excellent reviews from satisfied customers is one aspect of that. To demonstrate that your company is reliable and trustworthy, you should ideally have a lot of positive reviews.

So, now that you’ve read the post, do you know where to buy Facebook reviews? If you have any queries regarding buy facebook reviews, kindly leave a comment. I’ll answer as soon as possible.

Finally, I want to thank you for reading.